Clay by Ej

Clay by Ej

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    Vendor Biography

    Emma Jo is based out of Pojoaque, NM and started her work with ceramics during college in Flagstaff, AZ. After taking a class on a whim, she quickly fell in love with clay because it made her feel like she could make anything she could possibly dream of. She had an amazing professor who inspired her and made her feel like she would have a career in ceramics, even though she was already two years into a science degree. After taking a gap semester (during which she took another ceramics class at a local community college), she decided to continue on with her degree in science and, as a compromise, take every single ceramics class she could possibly squeeze in. After graduating, Ej quickly found a clay community in Los Alamos and got involved in teaching, glaze making, and firing her own work for the first time. Ej hopes to have her own small studio one day where she can teach the thing she loves most. 


    As a functional ceramic artist, Ej creates pieces that are interacted with on a personal level in people’s daily lives: the mugs you drink your morning coffee from the bowl you have soup in when you’re sick… these pieces are meant to bring comfort and inspiration to their owners. As her art is so intimate, she thinks about who the vessels are for and what purpose they will serve while creating them. In a busy, overstimulated world, the process of creating allows her to hit pause, and reach a mental state of absorptive rest, and she hopes her pieces convey that to you.